Internet of Measurement Things (IoMT)

Internet of Measurement Things (IoMT) Research Workplace consists of the following equipment:

  • Kerlink Wirnet iFemtoCell
    • LoRaWAN gateway for smart IoT network
  • Wanesy SPN (Small Private Network) license for standalone data collector over a LoRa network
  • a number LoRaWAN Sensors for Temperature, Humidity, Presence, Door Switch, Leakage, Acceleration, Energy consumption, general A/D conversion units and pulse counters etc.
LDM/REM Lab provides access to the following LoRaWAN networks:

Our own LDM/REM LoRaWAN SPN server currently provides following API access:

  • FTP - service can be used for data Rx to a FTP server and data Tx.
  • HTTP REST - service is used to push Rx data to a HTTP server via REST API
  • Node-RED - service is used for data Rx and Tx.