Vision and Mission of the Laboratory
The laboratory gathers researchers in individual fields of electrical engineering and related scientific fields. The activities of the laboratory are focused on multidisciplinary methods of remote data collection and data research, measurement of physical quantities, transmission, processing and protection of such collected information.
Primary research directions can be gruped into following main categories:
- electrical power measurement
- procedures of remote measurement and calibration of electrical and non-eelectrical quantities
- other precise electrical measurement research and methods development
- sensors and actuators, their applications and remote data transmission
- Internet of Measurement Things (IoMT) as a part of Internet of Everything (IoE)
- Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
- new methods for education
Main research interests of REMLab are the following:
- Development of new precise electrical measurement methods
- Development of new measuring systems for remote data collection, processing and control
- Development of specialized software and hardware platforms as a part of Internet-of-Everything (IoE)
- Development of portable metrology standards
- Development of new innovative applications with application in the field of intelligent sensors and distributed measuring and control systems
- Development of new intelligent senses with ensuring traceability of measurement results.
REMLab is involved in the organization of International Colloquium on Intelligent Grid Metrology - SMAGRIMET.